فهرست مندرجات:
Table of contents :
Content: The inaugural sermons (1256) --
On the principles of nature (1252-6) --
On being and essence (1252-6) --
The nature of theology. Commentary on Sentences 1, prologue (1252-4) --
The word of the six days of creation. Commentary on Sentences 2.2, d. 12 (1252-4) --
Theology, faith and reason. On Boethius On the Trinity, 1-2 (1257) --
How are things good? Exposition of On the Hebdomads of Boethius (1257) --
The meanings of truth. Disputed question on truth, I (1256-9) --
On the teacher. Disputed question on truth, II (1256-9) --
On conscience. Disputed question on truth, 17 (1256-9) --
Proof of God's existence. Summa contra Gentiles, 1, 9-14 (1259) --
The human good. Summa contra Gentiles, 3 (1259-65) --
On the divine simplicity. Disputed question of the power of God, 7 (1265-6) --
On goodness and the goodness of God. Summa theologiae, 1, 5-6 (1268) --
On creation. Summa theologiae, 1 44 (1268) --
On angelic knowledge. Summa theologiae, 1, 54-8 (1268) --
Definitions of soul. On Aristotle's De anima, 2, 1-3 (1268) --
Platonism and Neoplatonism. Preface to exposition of On the divine names (1265-8) --
The range of natural philosophy. Expositions of Physics, 1, 1, preface to On the heavens, preface to On sense and the sensed object (1269) --
How words mean. Exposition of On interpretation, 1-5 (1270-71) --
On the ultimate end. Summa theologiae, 1-2, 1-5 (1271) --
On human choice. Disputed question on evil, 6 (1266-72) --
What makes actions good or bad? Summa theologiae, 1-2, 18-20 (1271) --
On law and natural law. Summa theologiae, 1-2, 90-94 --
The virtues. Summa theologiae, 1-2, 55-7 (1271-2) --
The active and contemplative lives. Summa theologiae, 2-2, 179-81 (1271-2) --
On the eternity of the world (1271) --
The love of wisdom, exposition of Metaphysics, preface and I, 1-3 (1271) --
The logic of the incarnation. Summa theologiae, 3, 16 (1273) --
What is a sacrament? Summa theologiae, 3, 6 (1273) --
The exposition of the Book of causes, 1-5 (1272) --
Exposition of Paul's Epistle to Philemon (1273) --
Exposition of the angelic salutation (Ave Maria) (1273).